
Having always believed that nutrition from vegetables can only be obtained if you grow them yourself, 17 year old Krishna envisions a kitchen garden in every home.

In 2019, he setup a social enterprise and called it Nutrigentle – we need nutrition from food, yet in our means to get it, we need to be gentle on the environment. Taking part in the 20 week Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA) program, allowed Krishna to conduct market research, refine his idea and come up with a self sustaining business plan. The program culminated with a pitch to investors for startup funding, in which he received seed funding.

Nutrigentle has helped over 200+ customers begin their terrace garden journey. The smallest kitchen garden, means a healthier home. The future is going to be - terrace to table. To learn more, browse through the site or contact us at +91 87544 76702.

Vegetable & Herb Offerings

We offer herb and vegetable saplings of exceptional quality, to help families start their own kitchen gardens. With lots of experience in Chennai, we know what plants grow well in this climate and what seasonal yields to expect.

Vegetables and Herbs currently being offered :

  1. Mint
  2. Lemongrass
  3. Italian Basil
  4. Holy Basil (Tulsi)
  5. Aloe Vera
  6. Ajwain (Karpooravalli)
  7. Curry leaf
  8. Tomatoes
  9. Chilli
  10. Ladies finger
  11. 3 types of spinach ( 1.Manatthakali keerai , 1.2 Palak keerai 1.3 Methi or fenugreek)
  12. Brinjal (green and purple varieties)
  13. Broad beans ( Avarakkai/Sem)
  14. Radish (white)

Benefits of organic terrace farming :

Gives you and your family true nutrition

Nutrition from vegetables can only be obtained if you grow them yourself. Vegetables will have nutrients in them only if the soil on which they were grown had those essential nutrients. Most often store bought vegetables are grown on a sub standard soil using inorganic fertilizers. Hence such produce lack in essential nutrients.
You get true nutrition from vegetables only when they are grown on healthy and wholesome soil and when you consume them as soon as they are picked. And this is possible if you are growing you vegetables at home using a rich potting mix in your own organic terrace garden using organic soil enhancers like compost.

Ensures your food is free of poison

You can not just escape from pesticide drenched vegetables in urban life. As fertility of soil is on a downslide due to use of chemical fertilizers, plants are getting weaker every single hour and day. Hence pests and insects are able to easily attack such plants. To save the crop the farmer uses pesticides, which further deteriorates the soil, weakens the plant. And thus a vicious circle is created.
Traces of poisonous pesticides are found on almost all vegetables available in market today. Even when you buy organic vegetables they still could have traces of pesticides as they are not immune to the pesticides carried by air and water from neighbouring fields. One of the benefits of organic gardening is that you’ll be able to avoid such poison laden vegetables for your daily consumption to a great extent.

You enjoy better tasting vegetables

It’s a very well known fact that vegetables grown organically taste much better. Because they are grown without pesticides ,they are bound to taste better. Not only do they taste better, their texture and structure is also superior. They are fleshier, have more flavour and take much less time to cook. Most of the vegetables can also be eaten raw.

Conserves Food

Organic waste in and around your home goes back to your plants. A composting unit is an integral part of a sizable organic terrace garden. All waste generated from your kitchen goes to this composting unit, which in turn goes back to your plants. This completes the cycle. This process of conserving food waste also puts less pressure on the waste disposal system. Waste from cities is just dumped in the outskirts of the city, which pollutes the soil, air and water. When you recycle your biodegradable waste so it can be useful for your garden, not only you have made waste useful, you have also done your bit towards the environment.
Moreover, when we buy from the store we are sometimes forced to buy more than what we need. For example you may have to buy a whole bunch of cilantro, though your requirement may be just a few leaves and stalks. The other portion is wasted. When you have your own kitchen garden you take what is needed.

Saves Money

To start with growing your own food may seem a costly affair. There will be costs incurred to get the containers, soil, compost and seeds. But most of these expenditures are done only once in the life cycle of your garden. The only real expenditure you’ll be incurring on a regular basis for your garden is for seeds and watering. Nature does not charge any money to do its job and when you show respect to nature it rewards you with its bounty. So in effect you actually get your food for free from nature. And when you don’t have to go to the store to buy vegetables, you automatically save on travel costs. If you eat healthy food you can reduce your visits to the doctor !


Reduces air conditioning costs by bringing down indoor temperatures by 6-8C . Lastly let’s not forget - air quality , aesthetics , mental health ( gardening is a proven stress buster!) and a carbon sink.



Contact Us


Please contact me at nutrigentle@gmail.com for enquiries and prices.